Seawatch FAQs
1. How do I register on the POA website?
The website address is
For members who previously had an account on the old website:
If you had an account on the old website you will not have to re-register.
1. You will receive an email with a randomly generated 8-digit password.
2. Go to and input your email address (where you received the password) and cut and paste your password in the fields provided
3. Once you are logged on, you will be directed to the Home Page. You can use the “Member profile” button in the top right corner of your screen or the “Update Member Profile” link on the page to update your profile.
For members who need to create a new account:
When you register on the new website it is a two part process. Instructions are provided below:
1.Go to
2.On the login page select New Member Registration.
3.Fill in all the requested information on this page:
-Email address
-Confirm Password
-Email Tier Selection (Which Communications you would like to receive)
4. Click on the Register button. You will receive an email that says “Thank you for registering for the Seawatch POA website. Your ownership at Seawatch will be confirmed and you will receive an email response to your registration within one business day of this request.”
5. Once the system administrator approves your account you will receive a second e-mail letting you know that it has been approved. You will not be able to logon to the website until your account has been approved.
2. How do I update my member profile?
Once you are logged on, you will be directed to the Home Page. You can use the “Member profile” button in the top right corner of your screen or the “Update Member Profile” link on the page to update your profile.
Your Member Profile has 4 sections:
The Profile Image– please feel free to add an image to your profile if you would like. This is not required.
The Member Information – This will be blank when you first log on. To add in your information, click the green button that says Edit Member information. This will open up input fields for your contact information. Please fill in the information, and then click “Save Changes to member information.”
Account Settings – This part of the page houses your email address and password for access to the website. To update this, click the green button that says, “Click to edit email address and/or password.” This will open the input fields and allow you to change your email address and the password you use for your account. Please remember to click “save changes.”
Email Preferences – This allows selecting which option you choose for receiving communications. Click on “update tiers” and select Tier 1, Tier 2 or none. Once you have made your selection click “Update tiers” to confirm change.
3. What are Tier 1 and Tier 2 Communications?
Homeowners have the option of selecting the level of communication they would like to receive from the POA. The choices are listed below:
Tier 1 – Suggested at minimum for all owner/members- Tier 1 owner/members are sent newsletters and emergency communications.
Tier 2 (includes Tier 1 and more) – Suggested for homeowner/members and all interested owner/members – Tier 2 owner/members are sent newsletters, emergency communications, reminders and updates about activities and events posted on the activities & events calendar on the POA website, trash pick-up updates, security updates, facilities and landscaping information, and other day-to-day information and updates.
None – No communications.
You will have the option of selecting one of the above when creating a new account or updating your member profile. You may change your selection at anytime by logging into your member profile.
4. What if I forget my password?
1.Click on Forgot Password on the login page
2.A screen will pop-up requesting that you enter your e-mail. Once you have entered your e-mail address click on Reset my password. You will receive an e-mail with a link to reset your password.
5. What if I need to update my e-mail or password address?
If you need to update your e-mail address and/or password logon to the POA website and go to your member profile. Click the green button that says, “Click to edit email address and/or password.” This will open the input fields and allow you to change your email address and/or the password you use for your account. Please remember to click “save changes.” The system will automatically update this information. Once you have updated the information you will not be able to use the old e-mail address to logon.
6. Can I have more than one e-mail address in my member profile?
No. There can only be one email address per member profile. However if you would like to have communications sent to multiple e-mail addresses send them to Gail Miller at and they will be added to the email distribution list. The e-mail you have on your account is automatically added to the mail distribution list.
7. Are there any restrictions on passwords?
The only restriction on passwords is that it must be at least 4 characters. It can be any combination of numbers, letters or symbols that you choose.
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